Welcoming New Homeowners

Happy Valentine’s Day from Mrs. Maredith!

 When I think about Valentine’s Day I think about all of the people in my life that I want to feel special! Neighbors are a great place to start. When I drive through my community, I wave to everyone! Are you a “waver”?! If someone new moves in, I deliver my famous homemade brownies with a little note. What do you like to do to make new neighbors feel special or welcomed?

 Did you know that Maredith Management sends a handwritten note card to every new homeowner that moves into a Maredith managed community? It’s short and sweet, on beautiful Maredith stationary and personalized for the new owner. We include a key chain and business card so the new homeowners can remember how to reach management when a need arises. While it’s true, new homeowners receive a Resale Package at settlement, we believe there’s nothing quite like a handwritten note.

 Board Members can find out who has moved into their neighborhood each month by reviewing the financial package in their Board Portal. In the spirit of St. Valentine, perhaps you will form a committee this year to welcome new neighbors in your own way!  Here are some ideas to get you started:

o   Gifts are great! Design coozies or mugs with the HOA name or logo on them. Place a bulk order and when someone new moves in the Welcome Committee delivers a small, personalized gift to the new owner’s doorstep.

o   Deliver something sweet! Brownies are my personal favorite!

o   Share your knowledge! New homeowners want to know the best restaurants, dry cleaners, and childcare around.

o   Be a good friend! If your HOA has an upcoming event, let them know and personally invite them to attend with you.

 Moving is a stressful time. The first impression will be critical in shaping the way a new homeowner views the community. Don’t let the first impression be a violation letter for leaving trash cans out! Use our simple ideas above to start off on the right foot. Improve homeowner satisfaction, foster a sense of community, and add value to your HOA. We’d love to help! Call Mrs. Maredith to brainstorm. 😊



Can You Get Sick From Old Mouse Droppings?


Happy New Year from Mrs. Maredith!